Cherry Street Historic Neighborhood is a Santa Rosa neighborhood, with a population of 203, with 49% males and 51% females, with a median age of 32. There are 17% families with children, 40% single-female households, 29% single-male families, and 31% couples in this neighborhood. In the Cherry Street Historic Neighborhood, the average household size is 1.91, and the average family size is 2.75.


The median income of households in the Cherry Street Historic Neighborhood in Santa Rosa is $48,856, while the median income of individuals is $33,214. About 94% of residents have completed high school, 23% have attended college but do not hold a degree, 12% have an associate degree, 27% have a bachelor’s degree, and 10% have completed graduate school.


Single-Family Homes and Condominiums are among the available housing options in the Cherry Street Historic Neighborhood of Santa Rosa. The median price of a property is $444,637.


Cherry Street Historic Neighborhood has a bike score of 75, and a transit score of 46. Accessibility is a blessing in this neighborhood as daily errands do not require a car. CA-12 West, US-101, and CA-12 East are the nearest freeways to Cherry Street Historic Neighborhood.

There are 3 public elementary schools in the district with grades of C or higher. There are 4 public middle schools in the district with grades of C or higher. There are two public high schools in the district with grades of C or higher.

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Cherry Street Historic District Neighborhood
Santa Rosa, CA 95404, USA

Head east on Cherry St toward Orchard St
0.1 mi
Turn left at the 2nd cross street onto Beaver St
348 ft
Turn right at the 1st cross street onto College Ave
0.4 mi
Use any lane to turn left onto 4th St
1.4 mi
Continue onto CA-12 E
1.2 mi
Turn left onto Acacia Ln
184 ft
Turn right

Drive to your destination – Valley Dental Surgery & Implant Center 207 ft